The White Beaches, Rosignano Solvay - Tuscany 2004

The White Beaches, Rosignano Solvay - Tuscany 2004

At down. Vapour exhales from the sea. A bright pink streak of light hangs on the horizon. The white waters flow rapidly from the sewage canal of the factories at the back of the beach and eventually merge into the sea. The sun rises and the landscape begins to appear. The sea water is of an intense, almost candied blue. The grey and white-streaked sand smell soda, a bitter flavour that sets your theeth on edge. Something begins to move into the water from afar, perhaps it’s a strange animal, a big fish hiding amid the whiteness of the landscape now approaches the shore upstream, white flesh into white water. Night lights are at once disturbing and alluring, while a voice, maybe Elvis’s, shrouds the landscape in black.

(from the book Marcamenti, Antonio Rovaldi, published by Essegi, 2005)

Le spiagge bianche, video still, 2004

Sopra il luogo, global view of installation, wall painting, 25 c. print on alluminium 30x40 cm each framed, table 75x210x70 cm, total dimension variable, 2004.

Sopra il luogo, detail, 2004

 all images © Antonio Rovaldi